Page 48 - flipbook-ubp-IR
P. 48

The risk of suffering an adverse consequence or the potential threats of negative effects on Group operations and the business environment arising from activities of organisations.
Air pollution by the fugitive emission generated during drilling, blasting, excavation, breaking and loading of boulders.
Risk of noise pollution from plant and machinery.
Loss of habitat for some fauna and flora species and biodiversity reduction due to vegetation clearing of the site.
Effects of solid wastes generated.
Contamination of ground water generated by used oil from the maintenance of our machinery.
Risk identification and assessment
  Business Environment and Market Risks:
Risk identification
  Health & Safety Risks:
Non-compliance with environmental standards could lead to fines and negatively impact our brand and reputation.
  The risk that the Group will not take the necessary precautions to prevent harm to its personnel, subcontractors and third parties during on-site and off-site business-related operations.
People Risks:
Such a risk includes the possibility of injury, illness or fatality of our employees, as well as reputational damage for the Group, that altogether may lead to the possibility of business interruption.
This also includes the risk that our personnel is not properly trained and employees do not adequately follow policies and SOPs.
  The risk that the Group will not be able to find, hire, and retain talented employees when they are needed to help it attain its business objectives.
Succession planning - Risk of brain drain and lack of sufficient skilled workforce.
On-going talent management - Inadequate monitoring of staff performance/productivity.
Operational Risks:
Unavoidably, demographic changes will result in fierce competition for talent, even more quickly than planned. This also translates into the risk that candidates might be lacking in the essential experience and skill sets for key roles.
The risk that staff performance is not adequately monitored due to insufficient information on their performance/productivity.
  The risk of increased vulnerability to damage resulting from in- cidents disrupting the business operations.
Business Continuity.
Risk of the negative impacts [financial, reputational, health and safety, security] of events requiring the invocation of the Business Continuity Plan due to actual or potential interruption of business operations.
Risk assessment

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