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Ensuring dynamic balance
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is a proverbial phrase used to encourage a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity. Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life; making lemonade is turning them into something positive or desirable.
That is the situation that many businesses increasingly find themselves in. The past two-years have thrown at us a pandemic and more recently the war in Ukraine, both of which have exposed many of the fragilities of our global systems. With challenges such as climate change on the horizon, the future is looking zesty. As business leaders it is our responsibility to find ways to continue creating flourishing companies, while minding both our risks and our impacts on society.
At UBP Group we acknowledge the challenge of overcoming difficult moments, and not only surviving them but thriving alongside them. Our parti-pris is that to be able to make lemonade, our Group needs to ensure a dynamic balance amongst the following four pillars:
Synergy with Efficiency with Continuity with Balancing self-sufficiency resilience transformation it all

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